This is a great drill to use for any type of passing lesson. It can be used from Under 8 up. I, normally, use this as a warm up drill for my older players, because it gets them moving around and focusing on proper passing and receiving. Also, it gives them looking around and also talking to the other players of when to pass by calling "Ball!"

Players on the inside pass the ball the to the outside players, who either one-touch or two-touch the ball back to the players on the inside. Player on the inside should not receive pass from the same place they made their own pass from. MOVE! Players on the inside then dribble, find a new player on the outside to pass to. Players on the outside that are "open" should call "Ball!" to get inside players attention. Players should be using proper passing and receiving technique. Rotate after a couple of minutes.
Key Coaching Points -
- Plant foot next to ball, pointed at target
- Kicking foot has toe up and ankle locked
- Proper weight on the ball
- Communication
- Accuracy of pass
- Good first touch (for both players)
- Long pass out, short pass in
- Short pass out, long pass in