Key Coaching Points for this lesson is proper Dribbling Technique through out the session.
- Lean forward and over the ball
- Knees bent, on the balls of feet
- Relax body
- Balance is a must
- Keep ball close
- Use inside/outside and instep of both feet
- Be creative, use imagination -- develop own style
- Use body feints
- Change speed and direction: tight control vs. open field
- Look up as much as possible (Keep Head up)
- Use body to shield/protect ball
- Don’t be afraid to fail, take risks in the attacking 1/3

Set the mentality to enjoy having the ball at their feet.
- Dribble around space, change direction/use different surfaces.
- Dribble around space on command stop the ball and do five step-ups, continue to dribble.
- Same as number #2 except this time stop the ball and take five touches inside of the feet.
- Same as number #2 except take five touches inside/outside of right foot. Then the same with the left foot.
- Dribble in space on command stop the ball and find a different ball, continue to dribble.
- On command the color called out by the coach freezes then the other team dribbles around the frozen players. Players should make moves when going around each player.
Activity Two: Many Gates Dribbling Game
Organization -
Set-up several gates (goals) through out the grid. You should have at least one more gate than players. On command players should dribble through as many gates as possible. Usually the game should go for 60-90 seconds. Players should keep track of how many times they go through the gates.

Progression -
Organization -
Set-up several gates (goals) through out the grid. You should have at least one more gate than players. On command players should dribble through as many gates as possible. Usually the game should go for 60-90 seconds. Players should keep track of how many times they go through the gates.

Progression -
- Players must make a move on each gate prior to going through the gate.
- Have three players stand inside gates as if they were defenders. These players can move to different gates. They are not trying to win the ball, but if a player sees a player in
Activity Three: Team Knockout
Organization -
Half the players with a ball. Each team should be wearing different colored vest. On command the players with the ball must maintain possession of the ball inside the grid. The players with out the ball are trying to dispossess the players and knock their ball out of the grid. If a player losses his/her ball they join the rest of their team in trying to keep possession of the last ball in the grid as long as possible. When there is only one ball left the game becomes a possession game. The coach keeps the time of how long a team maintains at least one ball in play. After all balls are out of play, the other team gets to posses the ball. The team that keeps the ball in the longest is the winner.

Progression -
Organization -
Start 1v1 with coach serving the ball. Players can also be used to serve the balls. Players can attack either one of the goals on the end line. Player has to dribble through the goal for a goal to count. Players switch role after each turn.
Progression -
Finish with your standard soccer match with goal keepers.
Organization -
Half the players with a ball. Each team should be wearing different colored vest. On command the players with the ball must maintain possession of the ball inside the grid. The players with out the ball are trying to dispossess the players and knock their ball out of the grid. If a player losses his/her ball they join the rest of their team in trying to keep possession of the last ball in the grid as long as possible. When there is only one ball left the game becomes a possession game. The coach keeps the time of how long a team maintains at least one ball in play. After all balls are out of play, the other team gets to posses the ball. The team that keeps the ball in the longest is the winner.

Progression -
- This time teams that win possession must dribble through one of the six gates to eliminate a ball. If a ball goes out of play, but not through a gate. The team with possession puts it back into the grid and continues to play.
- Same as one except players shoot the ball through any of the six gates to eliminate the ball.
Organization -
Start 1v1 with coach serving the ball. Players can also be used to serve the balls. Players can attack either one of the goals on the end line. Player has to dribble through the goal for a goal to count. Players switch role after each turn.

- Players can now also score on the two goals that are on the sides of the grid.
- Players can only score on the two side goals, which now are balls on cones.
Finish with your standard soccer match with goal keepers.