Monday, July 14, 2008

The Receive and Turn Drill

This drill will work well with Under 8 and up players. Younger players should focus on ground balls, older players can mix it up with both ground and lofted balls.Organization -

  • Balls start on the outside.
  • Players on the inside move to receive a ball from a player on the outside, then give the ball back to a different player on the outside.
Technique -
  • Proper receiving with the inside and outside of the foot. Use of the thigh or chest for lofted balls.
  • Work on various turning techniques like shielding.
Coaching Points -
  • Move with the head up
  • Communication and awareness (visual and verbal)
  • Change speed
  • Find options early
  • Timing of the run, so you are moving when you receive the ball
  • Change of speed with and without the ball
  • Keeping eye on the ball
  • Relax the controlling surface
Variations -
  • Players on the outside serve with their hands (like a goalkeeper)