Activity One: Shooting Through Cones (Warm Up)
Organization -
Set up a line of cones about 6 yards apart, representing goals for the players to shoot through. Position two players about 10-15 yards away from and on opposite sides of the line of cones. Players opposite each other proceed to kick (shoot) the ball through their cone goal, back and forth, working on correct shooting technique. It is important that the players work to perfect their preparation touch and that they strike a moving ball. The players should be using both feet to shoot. Scatter extra soccer balls around the playing area.

Key Coaching Points -
- Keep ankle of shooting foot locked with toe down
- Non-kicking foot is placed parallel to ball (not behind it or ahead of it) and far enough away that it is comfortable to hit ball and that both ball and non-kicking foot are underneath your hips
- Non-kicking foot should be pointing towards your target
- Your weight should be on the ball of your non-kicking foot
- Both knees bent
- Strike through the middle of the ball…if you made a cross in the back of the ball, hit where the two lines intersect
- Follow through to your target
- Land on your kicking foot
- Keep head down to see what you are kicking
- Lean over ball as you kick, do not stand upright
- Strike ball with laces so that ball strikes hard bone on top of foot
- Encourage players to strike through the ball
- Players may need to make a slightly angled approach towards ball in order to prevent them from kicking ground…this will result in hip of the same leg as the kicking foot being higher than non-kicking foot
Organization -
Set up a grid about 30 yds. X 20yds. With a goal on each end. Coach plays balls into 4-5 players who are all competing against each other to get the ball and score in either goal. First to five goals wins. Coach should manipulate service in order that all players are able to have shots and feel some success.
Key Coaching Points -
Key Coaching Points -
- Reinforce the coaching points listed in activity #1
- Gives players more opportunities for scoring chances
- Encourage a risky mentality to shoot
Activity Three: 4 Corner Shooting
Organization -
On a field 20 yards wide x 25 yards long, position two goals at each end. Split group into two teams (red and blue). Position half of the red team in a line behind one corner of the field and the other half of the red team in a line behind the other corner of the field, at the same end. Organize the blue team in the same manner at the other end of the field. Select a goalkeeper for each goal and rotate that player every 5 minutes. The coach is positioned at the midfield line, outside the field, with all the soccer balls. When the coach kicks a ball into the field, the first person in each of the four (4) corner lines enters the field to play. The game becomes a 2v2 + keepers activity. Play continues until the ball goes out of play or a goal is scored. When this happens, the players on the field quickly get back into their original lines, keepers stay on, and the assistant coach kicks the next ball in for the next 4 players. The coach should play the ball toward one of the corner lines (risk/safety management).

- Reinforce coaching points listed in activity #1
- Players looking to go to goal quickly
Organization -
Two teams playing to one goal each. First team to two goals stays or if two minutes pass by, the longest team on gets off and new team comes on. Captains on each team keep score.

Key Coaching Points -
- Reinforce the coaching points listed in activity #1
- Help players to recognize when to use the inside of foot vs. the instep (laces)
Depending upon numbers, space will change. Ideally, finish with the number you normally play with in games. Play a regular game with goalkeepers.
Key Coaching Points -
Key Coaching Points -
- Highlight the technique of shooting
- Reinforce positive decision making opportunities (when, how and where to shoot the ball, etc.).