Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Maintaining a Positive Team Environment

From the Fishers Soccer Club (Indiana) -

Soccer players who had quit (soccer) said that a combination of factors related to the team environment caused them to drop out. What are these factors?
  • The coach didn't understand kids
  • They didn't get to play enough
  • The coach was a poor teacher
  • There was too much pressure to win
  • They didn't like their teammates
  • Poor sportsmanship
  • The coach played favorites
  • The coach put too much pressure on me
  • The practices were not fun
The title COACH does not guarantee automatic respect and devotion from their players. Four of the eight factors on the list are coaching behaviors. Most coaches do a great job working with their young players. Hopefully you are one of those. This article is not to be critical of coaches but rather to reinforce the importance of each coach thinking carefully about what you say and do as you coach your players. Good youth soccer coaches are individuals who understand that they are coaching children, not college or professional athletes. These coaches spend much of their time teaching skills the young athletes need to be successful. Having fun is much more important to your players than winning. Winning is part of the sport experience, but not the primary focus. Look at the list of concerns expressed by the players. What can you do to change these so that your players have a positive experience? Do you pay attention to how your players act toward each other? Encourage your players to help each other, not criticize a teammate’s performance. Sportsmanship is taught by example. Are you a good role model as you interact with your own players, other teams and coaches, and the officials? Can you go home after a practice or game, look at yourself in a mirror, and say I did the best I could for the children on my team? If you can, you should be proud of yourself. If you can't, you must try harder the next time. Do everything you can to make the athletes on your team thrilled to call you COACH!