Activity One - Warm UpOrganization:
- Split group into 2 equal teams
- Half on the outside start with a ball
- Players in the middle check to a ball
- The receiving player takes a touch and plays the ball directly back to the serving player
- After the pass the player must check to the center of the grid and then receive the ball from another server
- Rotate inside and outside players regularly
- Change of speed to meet pass
- On your toes to receive the ball
- Cushion the first touch
- Communications
- Eye contact between passer and receiver

- Similar to the Warm up, but two more players on the outside than on the inside
- Two servers on the outside start without a ball
- The inside players check to receive a ball, they turn or take their first touch to space and then pass to a player on the outside without a ball
- After each pass, players check back to the middle
- Progression - Players in the middle tracked by a defender
- Progression - Feed the balls in the air
- Rotate inside and outside players regularly
- Get into the line of flight of the ball
- Receive side-on or square on dependent upon the pressure
- Check behind as you receive the ball
- First touch into space
- Check to create space
- Encourage the server to lead the player and pass the ball to the correct foot
- Awareness of where the defender is
- Selection of surface to control the ball

- 40x30 Training Area
- 6v6 + 2 Targets. Target players may run the whole length of the end line
- Players score by passing the ball to the hands or feet of their designated target player
- If a target player receives the ball they must then pass to an opposition player
- Condition - Can only play to the target in the final third of the field
- Condition - 2 touch restriction
- All of the above coaching points
- Set up forward pass with your first touch
- Play to the target as early as possible
Finish with a full scrimmage.