When a hard ball is coming at a player and this player is trying to receive the ball, the key is to cushion the ball as it arrives. While this might seem quite obvious, the reality is many young players tense up as the ball approaches, which results in the ball hitting their foot (or other party part) and bouncing away. The more relaxed your body is when the ball arrives, the easier it will be to control the ball.
As an example, think of trying to catch an egg. When the egg makes contact with your hands, if you don't give, the egg will break in your hands. If, upon contact with the egg, you pull back to soften the contact, you will catch the egg and it will stay intact.
Receiving the ball uses the same concept, As the ball makes contact with your foot, relax and pull your foot back to soften the blow. This will allow you to maintain control of the ball, regardless of how hard it was hit.
It's the same concept with using other parts of the body to receive the ball. If the ball is coming in chest high, when the ball makes contact with your chest, bend your knees some and lean back. This movement will cushion the ball upon contact and allow for easy control of the ball.
If the ball comes in thigh high, when the ball makes contact with your thigh, pull your thigh back a bit to provide the cushion and the ball will drop down to your feet.
Just remember, relax and cushion the ball as it arrives and you will find you have much greater control of the ball.