Activity One - Multi-Goal Dribbling (Warm Up)
- Set up random goals (Cones 2-3 yards apart) - 25 yd. by 25 yd training area
- Each player has a ball
- Players try to score as many goals as possible by dribbling through the goals
- Introduce moves: Step-Over, Mathews, etc.
- Players must perform a move before going through a goal
Key Coaching Points:
- Close Control
- Change of Speed - Accelerate through the cones
- Change of Direction
- Body Fakes / Eye Fakes
- Training area 20 x 15 yards with small goals
- Organize the players into two teams of five, numbered 1 -5 on opposite end lines
- The coach calls out a number, feeds a ball and those two players play 1v1 to two small goals
- Coach can call 2 numbers or 2 numbers from one team and 1 from the other to create numbers up situations
- Important: This can be a very intense session. Make sure that players are getting moments of rest before coming back out to engage each other. That is why there are some players on the side - so they can quickly rest
- All previous coaching points
- Go directly at the defender
- Try to make the defender commit to the ball
- When and where to fake
- Vision and awareness - dribbling with head up
- Accelerate into the space past the defender

- Divide players into two equal teams. Training area 30 x 40 yards with end zones
- A player scores by dribbling and controlling the ball over the other teams' end line
- There are no throw-ins or kick-ins. If the ball goes out of bounds the coach feeds in a new ball
- Add the condition of no forward passes to encourage more dribbling
- All previous coaching points
- Positive first touch
- Recognize 1v1 situations quickly

- 4v4 or 5v5 with keepers
- No conditions - Encourage players to recognize 1v1 situations and to dribble at opponents in appropriate areas