Laying balls off, passing, turning
4 flags are positioned approximately 4 yards apart in the center of a grid as shown. Players are split into 4 groups and are positioned 12-15 yards from each flag. 4 players are designated as target players and are positioned slightly in front of each flag. 2 cones are placed 4-5 yards (right and left) in front of the target player. 3-4 balls per group.
The first player in line (A) passes a ball into the target player. The target player must lay the ball straight back approximately 4 yards to encourage the player to come forward to receive the return pass. The player then must spin around one of the cones before accelerating back to his group. The next player in line starts when the player in front is spinning around the cones. Play is continuous for a designated number of reps or time. Change the target player.
NOTE – The coach designates the direction he wants the players to spin around the cones.
Example –
#1 Inside of the right foot only, spin to your left.
#2 Outside of the right foot, spin to your right.
- Drive balls in to target man with laces. Target man can use his hands to catch ball before tossing ball back to oncoming player.
- This player must now use surfaces like thighs and chest to spin around cones.
- Firm passes in to target.
- Quality lay-offs from targets.
- Try to spin around cones with the first touch – cone acts as a defender.