OBJECTIVE: Improve passing technique. Introduce and train combination play (take-over and wall-pass). Recognize the correct timing and opportunity to pass.When do players perform a wall-pass?
- When the 1st defender is approaching quickly & aggressively or when the 1st defender is undecided and is standing still.
- Supporting players must recognize this to provide the correct timing, angle and distance of support.
- Supporting players should one-touch the ball back to the 1st attacker. The 1st attacker must explode into the space behind the 1st defender to receive the return pass.
When do players perform a take-over?
- The second attacker runs by the first, close in the opposite direction.
- The first attacker protects the ball by keeping it on the far side of his or her body from the defender.
- If the defender stays in position to block the path to goal, the first attacker calls the second attacker’s name and lets the ball roll to him or her (neither passing it nor stopping it). The second attacker takes the ball away with the same foot as that used by the first attacker where he or she last touched the ball (right foot to right foot, left to left!).
- If the defender slows down to "pick-up" the second attacker, the first attacker can call his or her own name and continue to dribble.
Some general points:
- Wall-passes and Takeovers are most effective in the attacking half of the field.
- Attackers should try to increase the momentum and the speed of the attack. A delay or slowing down favors the defense.
Activity One: Colors (Warm Up)
Description: Half of the players in red pennies, half in blue. Ball can never stop, players can never stop moving, and ball cannot leave area of play.
Progression: 1-pass and move by passing to anyone, 2-pass and move by only passing to same team, 3-execute wall passes, 4-execute takeovers.
Coaching Points:
- Stress correct passing and receiving
- Stress wall-pass and take-over technique and visual cues listed above
Activity Two: Four Goal Game
Description: In a grid 20x30 yards with four goals measuring 3 feet across in each corner, two teams of three attack two goals and defend two goals. Coach within the game, and work on team shape, specifically stretch, width on attack, and compactness on defense. Variation: To encourage combination play: the attacking team will receive 5 points if they combine with a wall pass or takeover before they score. Otherwise, they receive 1 point for scoring.
Progression: Add a "plus" player who always plays for the attacking team if they cannot keep possession long enough to create a combination.
Coaching Points:
- Stress recognizing opportunities
- Timing of passes
- Playing away from pressure by changing the point of attack
- Efficiency of touches
Activity Three: 5 Goal Game
Description: 4v4 in 25x30 yard grid. Five 2-yard goals are spread out throughout the grid. The teams score by passing through any of the goals to a teammate. The attacking team must combine with a wall pass or a take-over before they can score. First team to 10 points wins.

Coaching Points:
- Kicker - Player need to be able to see where the open goals are.
- Receiver - Receive with a "picture" of what is around them.
Coaching Points:
- Stress correct passing and receiving techniques
- Stress wall-pass and take over technique and visual cues listed above