Thursday, June 19, 2008

Under 6 Lesson Plan - Finding Space

Activity One: Juggling (Warm Up)

Everyone with a ball. Hold hands out with ball in between, drop ball directly down and kick back up to hands, etc. Players practice keeping the ball in the air with their feet and thighs. Players count how many times they touch the ball before it drops to the ground.

Version 2: Controlled juggling…juggle on one thigh, then add other thigh, then add one foot, then add the other foot…thigh-thigh-foot-foot

Activity Two: Ball Tag
Similar to other tag games except players try to tag others with their soccer ball, by kicking it at another player’s feet or ball. Have them keep count of how many times they kick their soccer ball and tag another person.

Options: If the players tag the coach, they are awarded 10 or 20 points. If the players tag other selected players, they can be awarded 50 or 100 points etc.

Activity Three: Freeze Tag
Everyone has a ball and coach can pick one or two players who are the Freeze monsters. Freeze monsters (with ball) try and dribble around and tag other players (who also have a ball and are dribbling around). The frozen player must stand still holding their ball over their head. Players can become unfrozen if the coach comes over and unfreezes them OR the coach can have the other players unfreeze each other (by simply touching them again). If all players are frozen, game ends and the coach can have new Freeze monsters.

Version 2: Freeze monsters can now try to freeze (tag) the other players by kicking their soccer ball at someone else’s soccer ball or at their feet.

Version 3: Coach can be the freeze monster and try to tag all the players; players can unfreeze each other.

Activity Four: Get Outta There!!
Place two small (2 yard) goals at the end of a field 15 x 10 yards. The coach stands at the halfway line with all of the soccer balls. Half of the players are lined up on his left side and half of the players are lined up on his right side in different colored bibs. When the coach kicks a ball onto the field, the first two players in each line run out and try to score on each other’s goal. If the ball goes in the goal or out of bounds, the coach yells “get outta there” and plays a new ball into the field immediately for the next two players. Never have no more that 3 players of each team waiting in line. Have two session going on to prevent long lines. Coach doing one session, an assistant doing another.
Version 2: Coach can stop yelling “get outta there” and see if the 1st players in each line recognize that they should begin play when a new ball is kicked into the field.

Version 3: Coach can vary service of ball. Sometimes play it to one player, sometimes toss the ball up in the air.

Activity Five: Scrimmage
Separate players into two teams and play a game of 3 against 3 without goalkeepers. Let the players play and give plenty of positive feedback to them as they compete. REINFORCE the GOOD STUFF! All players need to be playing - have two scrimmages going if needed.